Welcome to bshark’s documentation!#
bshark is a Python library that provides an interface to capturing and processing Android Binder transactions as well as compiling AIDL files into struct definitions.
Currently, there is no python package available for bshark. Therefore, you have to use the GIT installation candidate:
pip install bshark@git+https://github.com/MatrixEditor/bshark.git
Setup & Requirements#
What you will need to install bshark:
At least Python 3.12 and the Python developer module
A compiler that supports C11
receiving messages: frida and an Android device (or emulator)
In order to compile AIDL files you will have to download the Android Source Code
(not the repository) of your required version. For example, we want to compile
all the AIDL files of the Android 11.0.0 API level (framework classes). Therefore,
you have to download frameworks/base
from GoogleSource.
In our case, we just need to download the Java source code, so downloading android11-d1-release/core/java/android.tar.gz
will do the job. Once extracted, it can be used within the compile commands.