
caterpillar does not have a direct Python installation candidate. Therefore, you will need to install it by providing the Git link. This library has no fixed dependencies, so it can run out of the box.

pip install git+


If you clone the repository, don’t forget to add -e to the installation via pip as it enables developer mode.

This project comes with packaging extras. Therefore, if you want to enable specific structs, you have to install the corresponding extra. It can be done using pip again:

pip install "caterpillar[$NAME]@git+"

where $NAME refers to

  • lzo: for LZO compression support

  • crypt: for extended encryption/decryption support

  • all: to simply install all optional dependencies


If you wish to contribute to this project, make sure you follow the Contribution Guidelines. This library is especially designed for Python 3.12 and prior versions are still subject to approval.