PySmali's documentation ======================= Welcome to the documentation for `pysmali`, a Python3 package designed for parsing, transforming and generating Smali source code files, as well as interpreting source code files. This documentation is intended to provide an overview of the package's features, installation instructions, and usage examples to help you get started with using the package in your Python projects. Using this library ------------------ :doc:`installation` How to install the python package locally or in a virtal environment. :doc:`Using the Smali API <api/smali/index>` Introduction into Smali and the provided Smali API. :doc:`Using the Smali-Emulator <api/smali/bridge>` Introduction into the provided Smali-Interpreter. :ref:`supported-dependencies` Supported project dependencies. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python :caption: Reading Smali code :linenos: from smali import SmaliReader, SmaliWriter reader = SmaliReader(comments=False) writer = SmaliWriter(reader) with open('example.smali', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fp: source = # The writer can be any instance of a class visitor reader.visit(source, writer) print(writer.code) # or print(str(writer)) .. code-block:: python :linenos: :caption: Modifying Smali code from smali import SmaliWriter, AccessType writer = SmaliWriter() # Create the .class statement writer.visit_class("Lcom/example/Car;", AccessType.PUBLIC + AccessType.ABSTRACT) # Declare the super class writer.visit_super("Ljava/lang/Object;") # Visit the interface implementation writer.visit_implements("Ljava/lang/Runnable") # Create the field id writer.visit_field("id", AccessType.PRIVATE, "I") # Create the method m_writer = writer.visit_method("run", AccessType.PUBLIC + AccessType.ABSTRACT, [], "V") m_writer.visit_end() # finish class creation writer.visit_end() source_code = writer.code .. code-block:: python :linenos: :caption: Execute Smali code from smali.bridge import SmaliClass, SmaliObject, SmaliVM # Let's assume, the class' source code is stored here source = ... vm = SmaliVM() # Load and define the class (don't call the <clinit> method) my_class: SmaliClass = vm.classloader.load_class(source, init=False) # To manually initialize the class, call <clinit> my_class.clinit() # Instances can be created by providing the class object instance: SmaliObject = SmaliObject(my_class) # Initialization must be done separately: instance.init(...) # Methods are stored in our class object (not in the # actual instance) toString: SmaliMethod = my_class.method("toString") # The first argument of instance method must be the # object itself (on static methods, just use None) value = toString(instance) # The returned value behaves like a string print("Returned value:", value) To execute Smali files from the cli, just use the ``ismali`` command that comes with installation of this module: .. code-block:: bash $ ismali >>> vars {'p0': <SmaliObject@20776587040>} >>> const-string v1, "Hello World" >>> vars {'p0': <SmaliObject@20776587040>, 'v1': 'Hello World'} Development ----------- :doc:`contributing` How to contribute changes to the project. :doc:`Development guidelines <development>` Guidelines the theme developers use for developing and testing changes. :doc:`changelog` The package development changelog. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: General Documentation :hidden: installation api/smali/language development contributing changelog .. Hidden TOCs .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Smali API Documentation :hidden: :numbered: api/smali/index api/smali/reader api/smali/writer api/smali/visitor api/smali/base .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Smali Bridge :hidden: :numbered: api/smali/bridge api/smali/bridge_api api/smali/shell Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`