API Concepts & Reference#

In the following chapters you will learn about the basement of this library. Each section describes another feature that can be used to built new ABI implementations for other languages. Each sub-page contains details on how to use classes mentioned in the next sections (make sure to take a closer look if you want to implement a new metadata reader).

The basic workflow of each implementation can be visualized as follows:

Metadata Reader Workflow#
 ┌──────────┐            │                               │
 │          │   Input    │   Custom ABI Implementation   │
 │  Binary  ├───────────►│          <extends>            │
 │          │ using lief │           Runtime             │
 └──────────┘            │                               │
                                        │ using construct
                                        │ using construct-dataclasses
                            │                          │
                            │   Metadata Information   │
                            │                          │

The produced metadata information may store all parsed data directly, or it uses umbrella’s API components to parse the information only if requested. Each ABI implementation must extend the DataStream class to support basic parsing operations. The abstract Runtime class provides default methods on parsing structs, dataclass structs, strings and pointer sections. In addition, the Runtime class supports different binary formats and adapts parsing based on the used binary.

The user should retrieve all metadata information by providing the parsed binary. The following example illustrates the process on a Swift binary:

Basic process of parsing a binary storing Swift metadata information#
1from lief.MachO import parse, CPU_TYPES
2from umbrella.swift import ReflectionContext
4binary = parse("/path/to/binary").take(CPU_TYPE.ARM64)
5context = ReflectionContext(binary)
6# further processing ...


Each class derived from Runtime must be initialized with the parsed binary instance. That enables us more flexibility of operations on the target binary. Furthermore, we enable multiple ABI implementations to work on the same binary instance to reduce redundant parsing.

Virtual Memory Objects#

All parsed structures should inherit the Virtual class to get identified as virtual memory objects. They are special as they store the object’s virtual memory address after parsing has completed. In addition, in order to enable further processing, the parser instance is saved as well. Using a runtime object, one can simply get the binary content of an object marked as virtual:

1from umbrella.runtime import sizeof
3# assume we use the parsed object here
4obj = ...
5content: bytes = context.read_raw(obj._address, sizeof(obj))

These fields will be more relevant later on when inspecting Swift type metadata. For now, it’s enough to know that we organize all structs as objects of the Virtual class. In addition, there is a VirtualMemoryBlock that supports parsing structs or construct objects within the “virtual” memory.

1from umbrella.runtime import Runtime
3runtime = Runtime(...)
4# virtual memory block object will be created automatically
5result = (runtime+FooStructClass) @ 0xdeadbeef

Caching Iterators#

The (as for now) two ABI implementations of Objective-C and Swift use lazy parsing of their structs to reduce the overall parsing time. They are using a CachingIterator to automatically cache their parsed objects.


It is recommended to use these types of iterators instead of plain lists in order to save time when you want to access specific components. Anyways, you can just use all() to retrieve a list of all parsed structs.


Finally, there is an abstract dumper template that can be used to implement a “class-dump” like class. It is intended to simplify the process of generating and writing output to an IOBase object. In addition, it integrates pygments to colorize the created text. For specific notes and information about the IDumper class, please refer to its section.

API Components#

Basic Runtime API

Standard API classes that form the basement of this library

Iterator Types

A small collection of iterator types that enable caching and lazy parsing.


In introduction on how flags can be handled and integrated with a custom class.


The dumper architecture for this library.

Trailing Objects

A review of how we implemented TrailingObjects in pure Python.