# Copyright (C) MatrixEditor 2023-2024
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from typing import Union, Any, Type, Optional, Protocol, Iterable, runtime_checkable
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers import Cipher, algorithms, modes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.padding import PaddingContext
except ImportError:
Cipher = algorithms = modes = PaddingContext = Any
from caterpillar.abc import _StructLike, _ContextLike
from caterpillar.abc import _GreedyType, _ContextLambda
from caterpillar.exception import UnsupportedOperation
from caterpillar.exception import InvalidValueError
from caterpillar.context import CTX_STREAM, Context
from .common import Memory, Bytes
from ._mixin import get_args, get_kwargs
class Padding(Protocol): # pylint: disable=missing-class-docstring
def unpadder(self) -> PaddingContext:
"""Abstract method to get an unpadder for padding."""
def padder(self) -> PaddingContext:
"""Abstract method to get a padder for padding."""
_ArgType = Union[_ContextLambda, Any]
KwArgs = Context
class Encrypted(Memory):
"""Struct that is able to encrypt/decrypt blocks of memory.
:param length: Length of the encrypted data.
:type length: Union[int, _GreedyType, _ContextLambda]
:param algorithm: Encryption algorithm.
:type algorithm: Type[algorithms.CipherAlgorithm]
:param mode: Encryption mode.
:type mode: Union[Type[modes.Mode], modes.Mode]
:param padding: Padding scheme for encryption.
:type padding: Union[Padding, Type[Padding]], optional
:param algo_args: Additional arguments for the encryption algorithm.
:type algo_args: Optional[Iterable[_ArgType]], optional
:param mode_args: Additional arguments for the encryption mode.
:type mode_args: Optional[Iterable[_ArgType]], optional
:param padding_args: Additional arguments for the padding scheme.
:type padding_args: Optional[Iterable[_ArgType]], optional
:param post: Post-processing structure.
# REVISIT: this constructor looks ugly
def __init__(
length: Union[int, _GreedyType, _ContextLambda],
algorithm: Type["algorithms.CipherAlgorithm"],
mode: Union[Type["modes.Mode"], "modes.Mode"],
padding: Union[Padding, Type[Padding]] = None,
algo_args: Optional[Iterable[_ArgType]] = None,
mode_args: Optional[Iterable[_ArgType]] = None,
padding_args: Optional[Iterable[_ArgType]] = None,
post: Optional[_StructLike] = None,
) -> None:
if Cipher is None:
raise UnsupportedOperation(
"To use encryption with this framework, the module 'cryptography' "
"is required! You can install it via pip or use the packaging "
"extra 'crypto' that is available with this library."
self._algo = algorithm
self._algo_args = algo_args
self._mode = mode
self._mode_args = mode_args
self._padding = padding
self._padding_args = padding_args
self.post = post
def algorithm(self, context: _ContextLike) -> "algorithms.CipherAlgorithm":
Get the encryption algorithm instance.
:param context: The current operation context.
:type context: _ContextLike
:return: An instance of the encryption algorithm.
:rtype: algorithms.CipherAlgorithm
return self.get_instance(
algorithms.CipherAlgorithm, self._algo, self._algo_args, context
def mode(self, context: _ContextLike) -> "modes.Mode":
Get the encryption mode instance.
:param context: The current operation context.
:type context: _ContextLike
:return: An instance of the encryption mode.
:rtype: modes.Mode
return self.get_instance(modes.Mode, self._mode, self._mode_args, context)
def padding(self, context: _ContextLike) -> Padding:
Get the padding scheme instance.
:param context: The current operation context.
:type context: _ContextLike
:return: An instance of the padding scheme.
:rtype: Padding
return self.get_instance(Padding, self._padding, self._padding_args, context)
def get_instance(
self, type_: type, field: Any, args: Any, context: _ContextLambda
) -> Any:
Get an instance of a specified type.
:param type_: The desired type of the instance.
:type type_: type
:param field: The field or instance.
:type field: Any
:param args: Additional arguments for the instance.
:type args: Any
:param context: The current operation context.
:type context: _ContextLambda
:return: An instance of the specified type.
:rtype: Any
if isinstance(field, type_) or not field:
return field
if isinstance(args, dict):
args, kwargs = (), get_kwargs(args, context)
args, kwargs = get_args(args, context), {}
return field(*args, **kwargs)
def pack_single(self, obj: Any, context: _ContextLike) -> None:
Pack a single element.
:param obj: The element to pack.
:type obj: Any
:param context: The current operation context.
:type context: _ContextLike
cipher = Cipher(self.algorithm(context), self.mode(context))
padding = self.padding(context)
data = obj if isinstance(obj, bytes) else bytes(obj)
if padding:
padder = padding.padder()
data = padder.update(data) + padder.finalize()
encryptor = cipher.encryptor()
super().pack_single(encryptor.update(data) + encryptor.finalize(), context)
def unpack_single(self, context: _ContextLike) -> memoryview:
Unpack a single element.
:param context: The current operation context.
:type context: _ContextLike
:return: The unpacked element as a memoryview.
:rtype: memoryview
value = super().unpack_single(context)
cipher = Cipher(self.algorithm(context), self.mode(context))
decryptor = cipher.decryptor()
data = decryptor.update(bytes(value)) + decryptor.finalize()
padding = self.padding(context)
if padding:
unpadder = padding.unpadder()
data = unpadder.update(data) + unpadder.finalize()
return memoryview(data)
_KeyType = Union[str, bytes, int, _ContextLambda]
class KeyCipher(Bytes):
key: Union[str, bytes, int]
"""The key that should be applied.
It will be converted automatically to bytes if not given.
key_length: int
"""Internal attribute to keep track of the key's length"""
__slots__ = "key", "key_length", "is_lazy"
def __init__(
self, key: _KeyType, length: Union[_ContextLambda, int, None] = None
) -> None:
super().__init__(length or ...)
self.key = self.is_lazy = self.key_length = None
def set_key(self, key: _KeyType, context: _ContextLike = None) -> None:
if callable(key) and context is None:
# context lambda indicates the key will be computed at runtime
self.key = key
self.key_length = -1
self.is_lazy = True
match key:
case str():
self.key = key.encode()
case int():
self.key = bytes([key])
case bytes():
self.key = key
case _:
raise InvalidValueError(
f"Expected a valid key type, got {key!r}", context
self.key_length = len(self.key)
self.is_lazy = False
def process(self, obj: bytes, context: _ContextLike) -> bytes:
length = len(obj)
data = bytearray(length)
key = self.key
if self.is_lazy:
self.set_key(key(context), context)
self._do_process(obj, data)
return bytes(data)
def _do_process(self, src: bytes, dest: bytearray):
raise NotImplementedError
def pack_single(self, obj: bytes, context: _ContextLike) -> None:
context[CTX_STREAM].write(self.process(obj, context))
def unpack_single(self, context: _ContextLike) -> bytes:
obj: bytes = super().unpack_single(context)
return self.process(obj, context)
class Xor(KeyCipher):
__slots__ = ()
def _do_process(self, src: bytes, dest: bytearray):
for i, e in enumerate(src):
dest[i] = e ^ self.key[i % self.key_length]
class Or(KeyCipher):
__slots__ = ()
def _do_process(self, src: bytes, dest: bytearray):
for i, e in enumerate(src):
dest[i] = e | self.key[i % self.key_length]
class And(KeyCipher):
__slots__ = ()
def _do_process(self, src: bytes, dest: bytearray):
for i, e in enumerate(src):
dest[i] = e & self.key[i % self.key_length]