
This document tries to provide an overview of possible scenarios this library can be used in. IT doesn’t aim to be complete, considering this document as a starting point.

Establish a connection#

We can either use a context manager or manually connect the OralBClient:

1from oralb.bledsk import OralBClient
3async def main():
4    # use a contect manager that will automatically disconnect
5    mac = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF"
6    async with OralBClient(mac) as client:
7        # by now, the client is connected and we can read or write
8        # charactersistics.
9        ...

Extending a connection#

The current implementation does not extend the established connection automatically. Therefore, a custom command has to be sent to the device:

 1# same procedure from above
 2from oralb.blesdk import OralBClient, Control
 3from oralb.blesdk.model import CH_CONTROL
 5async def main():
 6    mac = "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF"
 7    async with OralBClient(mac) as client:
 8        # 1. create control object. we can choose, how many seconds
 9        # we would like to extend the connection (1-255)
10        command = Control.extend_connection(255)
11        # 2. just write to the charactersistic
12        await client.write(CH_CONTROL, command)

Reading and writing charactersistics#

We just saw an example of how to write to a certain charactersistic. To read a value, there are two options:

 1from caterpillar.shortcuts import pack
 2from oralb.blesdk import OralBClient, Color
 3from oralb.blesdk.model import CH_MY_COLOR
 5async def main():
 6    mac = ...
 7    async with OralBClient(mac) as client:
 8        # Either you reference the characteristic by its name
 9        value: Color = await client.my_color
10        # or you read the raw data
11        data: bytes = await client.read(CH_MY_COLOR)
13        # -- Writing --
14        # Same as above, either you use the attribute access,
15        await client.my_color.set(new_value=value)
16        # or just write the data by yourself
17        data = pack(value)
18        await client.write(CH_MY_COLOR, data, response=True)

Generating an update URL#

The OTA firmware is delivered using special URLs which are defined in an update manifest that has to be downloaded first.

 1from oralb.ota import info_url, OTAFirmwareInfo
 2from oralb.blesdk import BrushType
 4# select your brush type
 5model = BrushType.SONOS_BIG_TI
 7# generate the corresponding URL (use your current locale
 8# if you are from china)
 9url = info_url(model)
11# download the raw manifest using the URL (the host returns 403
12# if no update is available)
13data: bytes = ...
15# load the firmware info from the received data
16info = OTAFirmwareInfo.from_bytes(data)
18# The 'info' object is a dictionary with special attributes
19# and a .verify() function.