CLI Usage#

After installation completes, there will be an additional command that can be executed: oralbcli. It will start an interactive command shell:

Running the client#
(venv-3.12.1) Python> oralbcli
(oralb)> # ...

Discovering devices#

Before we can connect to the device, we need its address. To list all local devices, use ble discover:


Sample device discovery#

Connecting to devices#

To establish a connection, the client will first connect to the device, then it tries to pair with the device and lastly it writes a special command to extend the connection for 255 seconds.


Connecting can be painful sometimes, as you may need to call connect multiple times.

Successfull connection to device (address from brefore)#
(oralb)> dm connect "74:B8:39:16:06:1B"
[   Ok   ] Connected to '74:B8:39:16:06:1B'

Extending a connection#

If you wish to extend the current connection by another 255 seconds manually, there is another command that can be utilized:

There will be no terminal respose if everything worked.#
(oralb)> dm extend-connection

Reading characteristics#

Characteristics can be selected on several ways:


Okay, lets break down the different options:

  • by-name: each characteristic stores an internal name, which can be used here to retrieve its value

  • by-cid: another way is to use the short UUID for device characteristics

  • by-uuid: or just past the whole UUID


The response of unknown characteristics will be displayed as plain bytes.

Reading special data#

There are special commands that lets you read special device data such as a detailed SONOS type description, or service data information.

Reading metadata and special device data#
(oralb)> dm control read-meta sonos_type
    model=<Model.M6: 4>,
    color=<Color.STORMY_GREY: 5>,
    language=<Language.ENGLISH_EN: 0>,
    brush_modes=[0, 1, 3, 2, 4, 7, 7, 7],
(oralb)> dm control read-data service_data_a


The names for metadata or normal data values can be taken from DataRead and METADATA.

Writing characteristics (Experimental)#

It is also possible to apply new values to certain characteristics. Make sure to check whether the characteristic supports the write operation before calling putchar.

(oralb)> dm putchar [$NAME | $CID] args

Here you have the option to use the characteristic’s name or its short UUID as described before. You can view the list of required arguments using -h.

Required arguments for changing the current smiley configuration#
(oralb)> dm putchar smiley -h
usage: dm putchar smiley [-h] --face FACE


    -h, --help   show this help message and exit
    --face FACE  type: int

Listing implemented characteristics#

There is also a command that will display all services, characteristics or descriptors associated with a device. (You have to be connected in order to execute this command)

A treeview of service configurations#
(oralb)> dm list services
[  Info  ] Device services:

├── 00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (Handle: 1): 'Generic Access Profile'
│   ├── 00002a00-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb (Handle: 2): 'Device Name' ['read', 'write-without-response', 'write']
├── a0f0ff00-5047-4d53-8208-4f72616c2d42 (Handle: 13): 'Unknown'
│   ├── a0f0ff01-5047-4d53-8208-4f72616c2d42 (Handle: 14): 'Handle ID' ['read']
│   ├── a0f0ff02-5047-4d53-8208-4f72616c2d42 (Handle: 17): 'Handle Type' ['read']
│   ├── a0f0ff0c-5047-4d53-8208-4f72616c2d42 (Handle: 55): 'Cache' ['read', 'write', 'notify']
│   └── a0f0ff0d-5047-4d53-8208-4f72616c2d42 (Handle: 59): 'Sensor Data' ['read', 'notify']
├── a0f0ff20-5047-4d53-8208-4f72616c2d42 (Handle: 63): 'Unknown'
│   ├── a0f0ff21-5047-4d53-8208-4f72616c2d42 (Handle: 64): 'Command Status' ['read', 'write', 'notify']
│   ├── a0f0ff22-5047-4d53-8208-4f72616c2d42 (Handle: 68): 'RTC' ['read', 'write']
└── a0f0ff80-5047-4d53-8208-4f72616c2d42 (Handle: 95): 'Unknown'
    ├── a0f0ff81-5047-4d53-8208-4f72616c2d42 (Handle: 96): 'OTA Command' ['read', 'write']