Source code for umbrella.flags

# Copyright (c) 2023 MatrixEditor
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from __future__ import annotations

__doc__ = """Generic flags and flag-related classes."""

import typing as t
import construct as cs

E = t.TypeVar("E")

[docs] def from_flags(cls: t.Iterable[E], flags: int, mask: int = ~0) -> E: """Retrieves an enum value from the given flag :param cls: the enum class :type cls: t.Iterable[E] :param flags: one or multiple flags :type flags: int :param mask: the mask to apply to the provided flags, defaults to ~0 :type mask: int, optional :return: either the enum value or returns the original if no suitable representation has been found. :rtype: E | int """ value = flags & mask for enum_value in cls: if enum_value.value == value: return enum_value return value
# REVISIT: Why not parsing the flag directly. It would result in one # field less in a class definition.
[docs] class Flags(cs.Adapter): """An adapter to parse flag-sets. Parsing does nothing, because this adapter uses ``Computed`` to retrieve the flag value. It then creates a new instance of type *flags_ty* and returns it. :param flags_ty: the class operating in parsed flags :type flags_ty: type :param selector: the context selector, defaults to "flags_value" :type selector: str, optional """ def __init__(self, flags_ty, selector: str = "flags_value"): super().__init__(cs.Computed(lambda ctx: ctx[selector])) self.flags_ty = flags_ty def _decode(self, obj, context, path): return self.flags_ty(obj) def _encode(self, obj, context, path): return obj.flags
[docs] class FlagSet: """Simple class to represent a set of flags within an integer value. >>> flags = FlagSet(0b00010000110001) >>> flags.get_flag(0) # ^ True >>> flags.get_field(4, 2) # ^^ 3 >>> flags.get_flag(10) # ^ True :param __flags: the flags value :type __flags: int """ def __init__(self, __flags: int) -> None: #: The stored flags as an integer self.flags = __flags def __repr__(self) -> str: # Use the current class name instead of FlagsRepr name = self.__class__.__name__ # Filter out any special variables names = filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("_"), self.__dict__.keys()) # representation: foo='bar', baz=3 values = ", ".join(map(lambda x: f"{x}={repr(getattr(self, x))}", names)) return f"<{name} {values}>" def low_mask_for(self, bit_width: int) -> int: return (1 << bit_width) -1 def mask_for(self, first_bit: int, bit_width: int = 1) -> int: return self.low_mask_for(bit_width) << first_bit
[docs] def get_flag(self, bit: int) -> bool: """Read a single-bit flag. :param bit: the bit position :type bit: int :return: the extracted bit :rtype: bool """ return bool(self.flags & self.mask_for(bit))
[docs] def get_field(self, first_bit: int, bit_width: int) -> int: """Read a multi-bit field. :param first_bit: the first bit position :type first_bit: int :param bit_width: the width in bits :type bit_width: int :return: the extracted field :rtype: int """ return (self.flags >> first_bit) & self.low_mask_for(bit_width)
def __eq__(self, __value: FlagSet) -> bool: return __value.flags == self.flags def __ne__(self, __value: FlagSet) -> bool: return __value.flags != self.flags