3. Advanced Concepts#


Now that you’ve acquired a general understanding of how this library works, let’s start the more advanced concepts. This document will bring the tutorial to a close, leaving you well-equipped to create your own struct classes in Python.


Most of the structs and techniques showcased here are subject to change, notably BitField. Its current usage is not as user-friendly as someone might expect.

3.1. Operators#

By now, you should already know that there are special Operators that can be used with structs, for example [] for array creation or + to apply an endianess configuration.

3.1.1. Switch#

caterpillar comes with native support for switch-case structures. There is no need for a custom implementation that would unnecessarily slow down the packing or unpacking process.

Although there are limitations to Operators, its basic behavior should be more than enough to work with. Let’s go back to our PNG implementation and finally define the common chunk type:

Implementation of the general chunk layout#
class PNGChunk:
    length: uint32          # length of the data field
    type: Bytes(4)
    data: F(this.type) >> { # just use right shift
        b"IHDR": IHDRChunk,
        b"PLTE": PLTEChunk, # the key must be comparable to this.type
        b"pHYs": PHYSChunk,
        b"iTXt": ITXTChunk,
        b"tIME": TIMEChunk,
        b"tEXt": TEXTChunk,
        b"iTXt": ITXTChunk,
        b"fDAT": FDATChunk,
        b"zTXt": ZTXTChunk,
        b"gAMA": GAMAChunk,
        # Special chunk: we don't need to parse any data
        b"IEND": Pass
        # As we don't define all chunks here for now, a default
        # option must be provided
        DEFAULT_OPTION: Memory(this.length)

3.1.2. Offset#

Offsets introduce a special challenge to binary packing as we don’t want to override data that was previously written to the stream. This library will solve that problem for you automatically!

In general, you can use the @ operator with structs and fields, but not custom defined class structs. They have to be wrapped by a Field first:

>>> field = uint32 @ 0x1234     # ok
>>> struct = Format @ 0x1234    # not okay
Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for @: 'type' and 'int'
>>> field = F(Format) @ 0x1234  # ok

3.1.3. Custom Operators#

In addition to standard Python operators it is possible to define new operators tailored to specific use-cases. For instance, it is possible to define a new operator that automatically creates an Array with a fixed length:

from caterpillar.fields import _infix_

M = _infix_(lambda s, count: s[count * 2])

class Format:
    values: uint16 /M/ 3

As of now, the operator is used only during pre-processing. It won’t affect the overall parsing process on its own but can be used to return custom structs.

3.1.4. Pointers#

There are special structs that can emulate pointer types with a dependency to the current architecture. For instance, take a look at the following struct:

class Format:
    name: uintptr *CString(...)     # <-- using the multiply operation, a model
                                    # will be assigned to the pointer

The behavior of this struct transforms based on the assigned model. For example:

>>> data = b"\x00\x00\x00\x04Hello, World!\x00"
>>> o = unpack(Format, data, _arch=x86)
Format(name=<str* 0x4>)
>>> _.name.obj
'Hello, World!'

The resulting object, showcases a transformed structure, where the name attribute is stored using the pointer class. It is a standard integer class that stores the parsed model object as well.

3.1.5. Chaining#

A small sidenote: It is also possible, but not recommended, to create a chain of structs. The internal struct works as a bi-directional pipeline: unpacking goes from head to tail and packing from tail to head.

>>> chain = ZLibCompressed(...) & Format

In this example, the data would be decompressed first before Format.__unpack__ would be called.


The returned object is not a field!

3.2. Conditional fields#

To enhance class definitions even further, you can add conditional fields that share the same condition. Using native support for context lambdas, we can simply write:

Conditional fields (e.g. for versioned structs)#
class Format:
    version: uint32
    # all following fields will be bound to the condition
    with this.version == 1:
        length: uint8
        extra: uint8
        data: Bytes(this.length)
    # Use else-if over 'Else' alone
    with ElseIf(this.version == 2):
        name: CString(16)
        data: Prefixed(uint8)


It is recommended not to use Else, because it could cause unintended side effects. Use ElseIf with the inverted condition instead.

3.3. BitFields#

TODO description

Implementing the chunk-naming convention#
class ChunkOptions:
    _            : 2        # <-- first two bits are not used
    ancillary    : 1        # f0
    _1           : 0
    _2           : 2
    private      : 1        # <-- the 5-th bit (from right to left)
    _3           : 0
    _4           : 2
    reserved     : 1        # f2
    _5           : 0        # <-- padding until the end of this byte
    _6           : 2
    safe_to_copy : 1        # f3

# byte     :     0        1       2        3
# bit      : 76543210 76543210 76543210 76543210
# ----------------------------------------------
# breakdown: 00100000 00100000 00100000 00100000
#            \/|\___/ \/|\___/ \/|\___/ \/|\___/
#            u f0 a   u f1 a   u f2  a  u f3 a
# Where u='unnamed', a='added' and 'f..'=corresponding fields

3.4. Unions#

This library introduces a special struct, namely union. What makes it special is, that it behaves like a C-Union. Really?

For example, let’s combine the chunk-naming convention with its bit options. You can use the bitfield from the previous section.

Combining the name with its naming convention#
class ChunkName:
    text: Bytes(4)
    options: ChunkOptions

Now, lets look at the bahaviour of an example object:

>>> obj = ChunkName()   # arguments optional
>>> obj
ChunkName(text=None, options=None)
>>> obj.name = b"cHNk"  # lower-case 'k'
>>> obj
ChunkName(text=b'cHNk', options=ChunkOptions(..., safe_to_copy=True))
>>> obj.name = b"cHNK"  # upper-case 'K'
>>> obj
ChunkName(text=b'cHNK', options=ChunkOptions(..., safe_to_copy=False))

As stated in the data model reference on Union, the constructor is the only place, where the data does not get synchronized. In all other situations, the new value will be applied to all other fields.


You can even write your own implementation of a UnionHook to do whatever you want with the union object. Just specify the hook_cls parameter in the union decorator.

3.5. Templates#

Yes, you read it correctly. This library supports class templates similar to C++. If you need more information about the design choices of this subject, refer to the Templates section in the data model description.

A simple template definition#
A = TemplateTypeVar("A")

@template(A, "B")       # <-- either strings or global variables
class FormatTemplate:
    foo: A[uint8::]     # <-- prefixed generic array
    bar: B              # <-- this won't throw an exception, because
                        # 'B' is created temporarily.

As you can see, the definition does not differ much from struct classes. Implementations of template classes are called derivations:

Creating template derivations#
# Create a new type with an inferred name
Format16 = derive(FormatTemplate, A=uint16, B=uint16, name=...) # <- Struct

# Struct classes based on template can be created as well
class Format32(derive(FormatTemplate, A=uint32, B=uint32)): # <- Struct
    baz: uint32

# template sub-classes are allowed as well
FormatSubTemplate = derive(FormatTemplate, A=uint8, partial=True) # <- Template

# The sub-template only needs one parameter upon derivation
class Format8(derive(FormatSubTemplate, B=uint8)): # <- Struct
    blob: Bytes(...)


Keyword arguments are not necessary, you can also use positional arguments if defined in the original template decorator.


There are several limitations to the template type variables for now. Extended support is an enhancement for the future of this project.

3.6. The End!#

We finish this tutorial by completing our PNG format implementation. As the format is just a collection of chunks, we can simply alter the main struct from before:

Final PNG implementation#
class PNG:
    magic: b"\x89PNG\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A"
    # We don't know the length, therefore we need greedy parsing
    chunks: PNGChunk[...]

Thats it! We now have a qualified PNG image parser and builder just using some Python class definitions.

Sample usage of the PNG struct#
>>> image = unpack_file(PNG, "/path/to/image.png")
>>> image
PNG(magic=b'\x89PNG\r\n\x1a\n', chunks=[PNGChunk(length=13,type='IHDR', body=..., crc=258163462), ...])
>>> pack_file(image, "/path/to/destination")

This is the end of our journy to the basics of caterpillar. Below is a collection of useful resources that might help you progress any further.