Data Model#

Structs, Sequences and Fields#

Structs serve as the foundation of this library. All data within the framework undergoes the process of packing and unpacking using structs or _StructLike objects. There are three possible types of structs:

  • Sequences:

    These structs operate independently of fields, making them field-agnostic. As such, they do not need to be attached to a Field instance. Typically, they are are combined with specific requirements, which will be discussed later on.

  • Primitive Structs:

    All defined primitive structs depent on being linked to a Field instance. They are designed to incorporate all attributes that can be set on a field.

  • Partial Structs:

    For scenarios where selective functionality is paramount, it is recommended to implement structs that focus solely on parsing, writing, or the calculation of the struct’s size. These specialized structs, referred to as partial structs, provide a modular approach for extending the library. Consideration of partial structs is essential when aiming to extend the capabilities of this framework.

Standard Types#

Below is a list of types provided by Caterpillar. These types are designed to maintain compatibility with older versions of the library, making them particularly important.


As previously explained, a sequence functions independently of fields. The library introduces the Sequence as a named finite collection of Field objects. A Sequence operates on a model, which is a string-to-field mapping by default. Later, we will discuss the distinctions between a Sequence and a Struct regarding the model representation.

A sequence definition entails the specification of a Sequence object by directly indicating the model to use. Inheritance poses a challenge with sequences, as they are not designed to operate on a type hierarchy. The default instantiation with all default options involves passing the dictionary with all fields directly:

>>> Format = Sequence({"a": uint8, "b": uint32})

Programmers Note:

All sequence types introduced by this library can also store so-called unnamed fields. These fields are not visible in the unpacked result and are automatically packed, removing concerns about them when the option S_DISCARD_UNNAMED is active. Their names usually begin with an underscore and must solely contain numbers (e.g., _123).

The sequence follows the Field configuration model, allowing sequence and field-related options to be set. As mentioned earlier, the S_DISCARD_UNNAMED option can be used for example to exclude all unnamed fields from the final representation. A complete list of all configuration options and their impact can be found in Options.

All sequences store a configurable ByteOrder and Arch as architecture, which are passed to all fields in the current model. For more information on why these classes are not specified as an enum class, please refer to Byteorder and Architecture.

Inheritance in sequences is intricate, as a Sequence is constructed from a dictionary of elements. We can attempt to simulate a chain of extended base sequences using the concatenation of two sequences. The __add__() method will import all fields from the other specified sequence. The only disadvantage is the placement required by the operator. For instance:

>>> BaseFormat = Sequence({"magic": b"MAGIC", "a": uint8})
>>> Format = Sequence({"b": uint32, "c": uint16}) + BaseFormat

will result in the following field order:

>>> list(Format.get_members())
['b', 'c', 'magic', 'a']

which is not the intended order. The correct order should be ['magic', 'a', 'b', 'c']. This can be achieved by using the BaseFormat instance as the first operand.


This will alter the BaseFormat sequence, making it unusable elsewhere as the base for all sub-sequences. Therefore, it is not recommended to use inheritance within sequences. The Struct class resolves this issue with ease.

Nesting sequences is allowed by default and can be achieved by incorporating another Sequence into the model. It is important to note that nesting is distinct from inheritance, adding an additional layer of packing and unpacking.

>>> Format = Sequence({"other": BaseFormat, "b": uint32})


A struct describes a finite collection of named fields. In contrast to a sequence, a struct utilizes Python classes as its model. The annotation feature in Python enables the definition of custom types as annotations, enabling this special struct class to create a model solely based on class annotations. Additionally, it generates a dataclass of the provided model, offering a standardized string representation.

Several differences exist between a Sequence and a Struct, with the most significant ones highlighted below:

Behaviour of structs and sequences#



Model Type






Attribute Access


getattr(x, "name", None)

Unpacked Type (also needed to pack)

dict [*]

instance of model




As evident from the comparison, the Struct class introduces new features such as inheritance and documentation support. It’s crucial to note that inheritance uses struct types exclusively.

The Sequence class implements a specific process for creating an internal representation of the given model. The Struct class enhances this process by handling default values, replacing types for documentation purposes, or removing annotation fields directly from the model. Additionally, this class adds __struct__ to the model afterward.

Implementation Note

If you decide to use the annotation feature from the __future__ module, it is necessary to enable S_EVAL_ANNOTATIONS since it “Stringizes” all annotations. inspect then evaluates all strings, introducing a potential security risk. Exercise with caution when evaluating code!

Specifying structs is as simple as defining Python Classes:

>>> @struct
... class BaseFormat:
...     magic: b"MAGIC"
...     a: uint8

Internally, a representation with all required fields and their corresponding names is created. As b"MAGIC" or uint8 are instances of types, the type replacement for documentation purposes should be enabled, as shown in Customizing the struct’s type.

As described above, this class introduces an easy-to-use inheritance system using the method resolution order of Python:

>>> @struct
... class Format(BaseFormat):
...     b: uint32
...     c: uint16
>>> list(Format.__struct__.get_members())
['magic', 'a', 'b', 'c']

Programmers Note

As the Struct class is a direct subclass of Sequence, nesting is supported by default. That means, so-called anonymous inner structs can be defined within a class definition.

>>> @struct
... class Format:
...     a: uint32
...     b: {"c": uint8}

It is not recommended to use this technique as the inner structs can’t be used anywhere else. Anonymous inner union definitions are tricky and are not officially supported yet. There are workarounds to that problem, which are discussed in the API documentation of Sequence.


Internally constructing unions in the library poses challenges. The current implementation uses the predefined behavior of the Sequence class for union types. It selects the field with the greatest length as its representational size. Unions, much like BitFields, must store a static size.

In essence, they behave similarly to C unions. A traditional function hook will be installed on the model to capture field assignments. What that means will be illustrated by the following example:

>>> @union
... class Format:
...     foo: uint16
...     bar: uint32
...     baz: boolean
>>> obj = Format()      # union does not need any values

Right now, all attributes store the default value (None). If we assign a new value to one field, it will be applied to all others. Hence,

>>> = 0xFF00FF00

will result in

>>> obj
Format(foo=65280, bar=4278255360, baz=False)

Implementation Detail

The constructor is the only place where there is no synchronization between fields. Additionally, the current implementation may produce some overhead, because every refresh will first pack the new value and then executes unpack on all other fields.


A BitField, despite its name suggesting a field of bits, is a powerful structure designed for detailed byte inspection. Similar to other structures, it is a finite collection of named fields. This section will introduce potential challenges associated with the implementation of a BitField and explains its behavior.


This class is still experimental, and caution is advised. For a list of known disadvantages or problems, refer to the information provided below.

As mentioned earlier, a BitField allows the inspection of individual bits within parsed bytes. Its internal model relies on a special function or attribute, namely __bits__(). Consequently, a bitfield has a predefined length and will always possess a length that can be represented in bytes.

The BitField class not only stores the existing model representation with a name-to-field mapping and a collection of all fields but also introduces a special organizational class: BitFieldGroup. Each group defines its bit size, the absolute bit position in the bitfield, and a mapping of fields to their relative bit position in the current group, along with the field’s width. In the following example, three groups are created:

>>> @bitfield
... class Format:
...     a : uint8           # Group 1, pos=0, size=8
...     _ : 0               # Group 2, pos=8, size=8
...     b : 15 - uint16     # \
...     c : 1               #  \ Group 3, pos=16, size=16
  • a: The first field creates a group with a size of eight bits at position zero.

  • _: Next, a zero-sized field indicates that padding until the end of the current byte should be added. As we start from bit position 0, one byte will be filled with zeros.

  • b: The third field only uses 15 bits of a 16-bit wide field (2 bytes inferred using uint16)

  • c: The last field uses the final bit of our current group.

TODO: describe process of collecting fields, packing and unpacking


The next core element of this library is the Field. It serves as a context storage to store configuration data about a struct. Even sequences and structs can be used as fields. The process is straightforward: each custom operator creates an instance of a Field with the applied configuration value. Most of the time, this value can be static or a Context lambda. A field implements basic behavior that should not be duplicated, such as conditional execution, exception handling with default values, and support for a built-in switch-case structure.

As mentioned earlier, some primitive structs depend on being linked to a Field. This is because all configuration elements are stored in a Field instance rather than in the target struct instance. More information about each supported configuration can be found in Operators.


This library provides direct support for greedy parsing. Leveraging Python’s syntactic features, this special form of parsing is enabled using the Ellipsis (...). All previously introduced structs implement greedy parsing when enabled.

>>> field = uint8[...]

This special type can be used in places where a length has to be specified. Therefore, it can be applied to all array [] declarations and constructors that take the length as an input argument, such as CString, for example.

>>> field = Field(CString(...))
>>> unpack(field, b"abcd\x00")


In addition to greedy parsing, this library supports prefixed packing and unpacking as well. With prefixed, we refer to the length of an array of elements that should be parsed. In this library, the slice class is to achieve a prefix option.

>>> field = CString[uint32::]


The context is another core element of this framework, utilized to store all relevant variables needed during the process of packing or unpacking objects. The top-level unpack() and pack() methods are designed to create the context themselves with some pre-defined (internal) fields.

Implementation Note

Context objects are essentially dict objects with enhanced capabilities. Therefore, all operations supported on dictionaries are applicable.

The context enables special attribute-like access using getattr if the attribute wasn’t defined in the instance directly. All custom attributes are stored in the dictionary representation of the instance.

CTX_PARENT = "_parent"#

All Context instances SHOULD contain a reference to the parent context. If the returned reference is None, it can be assumed that the current context is the root context. If this attribute is set, it MUST point to a Context instance.

CTX_OBJECT = "_obj"#

When packing or unpacking objects, the current object attributes are stored within the object context. This is a special context that allows access to previously parsed fields or attributes of the input object. To minimize the number of calls using this attribute, a shortcut named this was defined, which automatically inserts a path to the object context.

CTX_STREAM = "_io"#

The input or output stream MUST be set in each context instance to prevent access errors on missing stream objects.

See also

Discussion on Github why this attribute has to be set in every context instance.

CTX_PATH = "_path"#

Although it is optional to provide the current parsing or building path, it is recommended. All nesting structures implement a behavior that automatically adds a sub-path while packing or unpacking. Special names are "<root>" for the starting path and "<NUMBER>" for greedy sequence elements.

CTX_FIELD = "_field"#

In case a struct is linked to a field, the Field instance will always set this context variable to be accessible from within the underlying struct.

CTX_INDEX = "_index"#

When packing or unpacking collections of elements, the current working index is given under this context variable. This variable is set only in this specific situation.

CTX_VALUE = "_value"#

In case a switch-case statement is activated in a field, the context will receive the parsed value in this context variable temporarily.

CTX_POS = "_pos"#

Currently undefined.

CTX_OFFSETS = "_offsets"#

Internal use only: This special member is only set in the root context and stores all packed objects that should be placed at an offset position.

Context lambda#

Dynamic sized structs are supported by this library using the power of so-called context lambdas. This library introduces a special callable _ContextLambda, that takes a Context instance and returns the desired result. To mimic a context lambda, the __call__() method has to be implemented.

Dynamic-sized structs are supported by this library using the power of so-called context lambdas. This library introduces a special callable _ContextLambda that takes a Context instance and returns the # desired result. To mimic a context lambda, the __call__() method has to be implemented.

object.__call__(self, context)#

This library does not distinguish between callable objects and context lambdas. They are treated as the same class (this aspect is under subject to changes).

Context path#

The path of a context is a specialized form of a Context lambda and supports lazy evaluation of most operators (conditional ones excluded). Once called, they try to retrieve the requested value from within the given Context instance. Below is a list of default paths designed to provide a relatively easy way to access the context variables.

ctx = ""#

This special path acts as a wrapper to access all variables within the top-level Context object.

this = "_obj"#

As described before, a special object context is created when packing or unpacking structs that store more than one field.

parent = "_parent._obj"#

A shortcut to access the object context of the parent context.


A specialized form of structs are templates, which are basically generic Python classes. Think of them as blueprints for your final classes/structs that contain placeholders for actual types. As in C++, a template needs type arguments, in this case we will name them TemplateTypeVar.

Actually, there are two different types of type variables:

  • Required:

    These variables are required when creating a new struct based on the template and they can be used as positional arguments within the type derivation.

  • Positional:

    These arguments are usable only as keyword arguments and are may be optional if a default value is supplied.

These template type variables can be created using simple variable definitions:

>>> A = TemplateTypeVar("A")


A template class is not a struct definition. It specifies a blueprint for the final class.

A template class is defined like a struct, union or bitfield class, but without being a dataclass nor storing a struct instance.

>>> @template(A, "B")
... class FormatTemplate:
...     foo: A
...     bar: B
...     baz: uint32

The defined class then can be used to create new classes based on the provided class structure. For instance,

>>> Format = derive(FormatTemplate, A=uint32, B=uint8)
>>> Format
<class '__main__.__4BE4F2562B65393CFormatTemplate'>

will return an anonymous class (in this case). Normally, caterpillar tries to infer the variable name from the current module (if name=...). In summary, every time derive() is called, a new class will be created if not already defined.

The current implementation will place template information about the current class using a special class attribute: __template__.

To support sub-classes of templates, we can declare a derived class as partial:

>>> Format32 = derive(FormatTemplate, A=uint32, partial=True)

Again, the resulting class is not a struct, but another template class.

Developer’s note

By now, a template won’t copy existing field documentation comments. Therefore, you can’t display inherited members using sphinx.

Special method names#

A class can either extend _StructLike or implement the special methods needed to act as a struct. The subsequent sections provide an overview of all special methods and attributes introduced by this library. Further insights into extending structs with custom operators can be found in Operators.

Emulating Struct Types#

object.__pack__(self, obj, context)#

Invoked to serialize the given object into an output stream, __pack__() is designed to implement the behavior necessary for packing a collection of elements or a single element. Accordingly, the input obj may be an Iterable or a singular element.

The absence of a standardized implementation for deserializing a collection of elements is deliberate. For example, all instances of the FormatField utilize the Python library struct internally to pack and unpack data. To optimize execution times, a collection of elements is packed and unpacked in a single call, rather than handling each element individually.

The context must incorporate specific members, mentioned in Context. Any data input verification is implemented by the corresponding class.

__pack__() is invoked by the pack() method defined within this library. Its purpose is to dictate how input objects are written to the stream. It is crucial to note that the outcome of this function is ignored.

Changed in version beta: The stream parameter has been removed and was instead moved into the context.

object.__unpack__(self, context)#

Called to desersialize objects from an input stream (the stream is stored in the given context). The result of __unpack__() is not going to be ignored.

Every implementation is tasked with the decision of whether to support the deserialization of multiple elements concurrently. By default, the Field class stores all essential attributes required to determine the length of elements set for unpacking. The __unpack__() method is activated through the unpack() operation, integrated with the default struct classes — namely, Sequence, Struct, and Field.

Changed in version beta: The stream parameter has been removed and was instead moved into the context.

object.__size__(self, context)#

This method serves the purpose of determining the space occupied by this struct, expressed in bytes. The availability of a context enables the execution of a _ContextLambda, offering support for dynamically sized structs. Furthermore, for the explicit definition of dynamic structs, the option to raise a DynamicSizeError is provided.

Customizing the struct’s type#


The configuration of Structs incorporates type replacement before a dataclass is created. This feature was specifically introduced for documentation purposes. The optional __type__() method allows for the specification of a type, with the default being Any if not explicitly defined.


The implementation of the __type__() method is optional and, therefore, not mandatory as per the library’s specifications.

The following example demonstrates the use of the sphinx-autodoc extension to document struct classes with the S_REPLACE_TYPE option enabled. Only documented members are displayed.

.. autoclass:: examples.formats.nibarchive.NIBHeader()

Will be displayed as:

class NIBHeader#

Example class doc comment

NIBHeader.magic: bytes#

example field doc comment

NIBHeader.unknown_1: int#

second field doc comment

In this illustration, the extra parentheses at the end are included to prevent the automatic creation of constructors.

Struct containers#


All models annotated with either @struct or @bitfield fall into the category of struct containers. These containers store the additional class attribute __struct__().

Internally, any types utilizing this attribute can be employed within a struct, bitfield, or sequence definition. The type of the stored value must be a subclass of _StructLike.

Template Containers#


All template classes store information about the used template type variables. Whether they are required or just positional. In addition, default inferred types are stored as well.

BitField specific methods#

The introduced BitField class is special in many different ways. One key attribute is its fixed size. To determine the size of a struct, it leverages a special member, which can be either a function or an attribute.


Called to measure the bit count of the current object. __bits__() serves as the sole requirement for the defined fields in the current implementation of the BitField class.


This class member can also be expressed as an attribute. The library automatically adapts to the appropriate representation based on the context.

Customizing the object’s byteorder#


The byteorder of a struct can be temporarily configured using the corresponding operator. It is important to note that this attribute is utilized internally and should not be used elsewhere.

>>> struct = BigEndian | struct # Automatically sets __byteorder__
object.__set_byteorder__(self, byteorder)#

In contrast to the attribute __byteorder__, the __set_byteorder__() method is invoked to apply the current byteorder to a struct. The default behavior, as described in FieldMixin, is to return a new Field instance with the byteorder applied. Note the use of another operator here.

>>> field = BigEndian + struct

Modifying fields#


The name of a regular field is not explicitly specified in a typical attribute but is instead set using a dedicated one. This naming convention is automatically applied by all default Sequence implementations. The name can be retrieved through the use of field.__name__.