1.4. Documenting Structs#
Effective documentation is crucial for maintaining a clean and understandable codebase. Caterpillar includes a feature to automatically generate documentation for your structs. By enabling this feature, you can reduce the need for manual updates and ensure that your structs are documented consistently. This feature can be activated with minimal code changes.
To enable the documentation feature globally, you simply need to set the appropriate flags. Below are the steps to enable it in both environments:
from caterpillar.py import set_struct_flags, S_REPLACE_TYPES
from caterpillar.c import STRUCT_OPTIONS, S_REPLACE_TYPES
Once this flag is set, Caterpillar will automatically replace the types of fields in
structs with their respective descriptions. For example, the following reST code will
generate simple class documentation for the NIBHeader`
.. autoclass:: formats.nibarchive.NIBHeader
results in:
- class formats.nibarchive.NIBHeader(*, magic: bytes = b'NIBArchive', unknown_1: int, unknown_2: int, object_count: int, offset_objects: int, key_count: int, offset_keys: int, value_count: int, offset_values: int, class_name_count: int, offset_class_names: int)[source]#
Example class doc comment
- magic: bytes#
example field doc comment
- unknown_1: int#
second field doc comment
If you are working with Sphinx, you might need
to enable autodoc_member_order = 'bysource'
to display all struct members in the
correct order.