1. First Steps#
In this section, we provide an introduction to Caterpillar, avoiding the deeper technical details for now. The goal is to offer a hands-on approach to get started. Most of the code snippets are designed to be run in an interpreter, where you’ll input everything after the prompt to reproduce the examples.
To make the learning process more accessible, we’ll focus on implementing the PNG file format, as specified in the PNG. While we won’t cover every chunk type in the format, we encourage you to explore and implement additional chunks on your own as you progress through this tutorial.
Why PNG?
The PNG format organizes its data into distinct blocks known as chunks. Each chunk follows a standard structure with specific fields and data, and Caterpillar allows you to map these fields to Python classes effortlessly.
Since chunks are central to the PNG format, we’ll focus on how to define and work with them. However, it’s important to note that the overall chunk definition will be introduced later. Python’s lack of support for forward declarations makes it a bit tricky to introduce the global chunk definition upfront.
It’s technically possible to define the PNGChunk class here (see pngchunk), but we’ll defer this for now to avoid overcomplicating things.
Before diving into the examples, keep in mind that each code snippet assumes you’ve already imported the necessary components from Caterpillar:
>>> from caterpillar.py import struct, uint32, uint8, Bytes, F, Field
First Steps
1.5. Next Steps#
With the basics of defining, using, and documenting structs covered, we’re ready to dive deeper into more advanced topics. The upcoming sections will explore basic structs, array definitions, enum inclusion, and much more.