Source code for oralb.blesdk.metadata

# Copyright (C) MatrixEditor 2023
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
import enum

from caterpillar.shortcuts import *
from caterpillar.fields import *
from caterpillar.exception import *

from .model import Control

__meta_models__ = {}
__data_models__ = {
    Control.DataRead.DATE_OF_BUILD: F(CString(...)),
    Control.DataRead.TIME_OF_BUILD: F(CString(...)),
    Control.DataRead.SOFTWARE_VERSION_MAIN_CONTROLLER: CString(...) @ 1,

def metadata(value: int):
    def add_meta(cls):
        __meta_models__[value] = cls
        return cls

    return add_meta

def data(value: int):
    def add_data(cls):
        __data_models__[value] = cls
        return cls

    return add_data

def metadata_models():
    return __meta_models__

def data_models():
    return __data_models__

[docs] @metadata(Control.METADATA.SONOS_TYPE) @struct class SonosMetadata:
[docs] class Model(enum.IntEnum): __struct__ = uint8 UNDEFINED = 0 M9 = 1 M8 = 2 M7 = 3 M6 = 4 M5 = 5 M4 = 6 M10 = 16 E11 = 17
[docs] class Color(enum.IntEnum): __struct__ = uint8 UNDEFINED = 0 WHITE = 1 ONYX = 2 VIOLET = 3 ROSE_GOLD = 4 STORMY_GREY = 5 LIGHT_ROSE = 6 DARK_BLUE = 7 LIGHT_BLUE = 8 ICE_BLUE = 9 LILAC_MIST = 10 SPECKLED_WHITE = 11 SPECKLED_BLACK = 12 PURPLE_RAIN = 13 DEEP_BLACK = 14 FOREST_GREEN = 15 OCEAN_BLUE = 16
[docs] class Language(enum.IntEnum): __struct__ = uint8 UNDEFINED = -1 ENGLISH_EN = 0 DUETSCH_DE = 1 CHINESE_CC = 2 ITALIAN_IT = 3 JAPANESE_JP = 4 ARABIC_AR = 5 FRENCH_FR = 6 SPANISH_SP = 7 POLISH_PL = 8 RUSSIAN_RU = 9 KOREAN_SK = 10
[docs] class GumGuard(enum.IntEnum): __struct__ = uint8 OFF = 0 ON = 1 HD = 2 NOT_AVAILABLE = 255
magic: Const(0xFF, uint8) model: Model color: Color language: Language brush_modes: uint8[8] gum_guard: GumGuard
# REVISIT: this structure may be invalid
[docs] @metadata(Control.METADATA.SW_VER_SYSTEM_CONTROLLER_1) @struct class SystemController1: magic: Const(0x07, uint8) media_content_version: uint8 hardware_config: uint8 mmap_version: uint8 info_sector_version: uint8
[docs] @metadata(Control.METADATA.SW_VER_SYSTEM_CONTROLLER_2) @struct class SystemController2: magic: Const(0x07, uint8) version: uint8
# REVISIT: device returns other data
[docs] @metadata(Control.METADATA.BLE_PROFILE) @struct class BLEProfile: magic: Const(0x06, uint8) prefix_bootloader: char num_bootloader: uint8 build_bootloader: uint8 prefix_sec_program: char num_sec_program: uint8 build_sec_program: uint8
[docs] @metadata(Control.METADATA.DEVICE_UUID) @struct class DeviceUUID: id: uuid
# default models
[docs] @data(Control.DataRead.SERVICE_DATA_A) @struct(order=LittleEndian) class ServiceDataA: ideal_full_capacity: uint16 average_motor_current: uint16 total_monitor_runtime: uint32 total_pressure: uint32 total_charge_time: uint32
[docs] @data(Control.DataRead.SERVICE_DATA_B) @struct(order=LittleEndian) class ServiceDataB: total_charge_events: uint16 total_full_charge_events: uint16 total_over_temp_Events: uint16 total_low_temp_events: uint16 total_brushing_cycles: uint16 short_term_motor_current: uint16 total_recharging_hours: uint16