Source code for pairipcore.cfg

import argparse
import graphviz

from pairipcore.context import VM, addr_t
from pairipcore.insn import Insn, InsnFormat

[docs] class LocationDB: """ A database for managing address ranges and labels within a virtual machine. Attributes: __ranges_ (List[range]): List of address ranges. __labels_ (Dict[addr_t, str]): Dictionary of address labels. """ __ranges_: list[range] __labels_: dict[addr_t, str]
[docs] def __init__(self) -> None: self.__ranges_ = [] self.__labels_ = {}
def __contains__(self, addr: addr_t) -> bool: """ Check if an address is within any of the managed ranges. Args: addr (addr_t): The address to check. Returns: bool: True if the address is within any range, False otherwise. """ return any(map(lambda x: addr in x, self.__ranges_))
[docs] def add_insn(self, insn: Insn) -> None: """ Add an instruction's address range to the database. Args: insn (Insn): The instruction to add. """ self.__ranges_.append( range( insn.opcode_address, insn.opcode_address + len(insn.insn_format) ) )
[docs] def add_memory(self, start: addr_t, length: int) -> None: """ Add a memory range to the database. Args: start (addr_t): Starting address of the memory range. length (int): Length of the memory range. """ self.__ranges_.append(range(start, start + length))
[docs] def add(self, start: addr_t, end: addr_t) -> None: """ Add a custom address range to the database. Args: start (addr_t): Starting address of the range. end (addr_t): Ending address of the range. """ self.__ranges_.append(range(start, end))
[docs] def get_label(self, addr: addr_t, is_mem: bool = False) -> str: """ Retrieve or generate a label for an address. Args: addr (addr_t): The address to label. is_mem (bool): Whether the address is for memory or not. Returns: str: The label for the address. """ name = self.__labels_.get(addr) if name is None: if is_mem: name = f"DAT_{addr:#08x}" else: name = f"LAB_{addr:#08x}" self.__labels_[addr] = name return name
[docs] def has_label(self, addr: addr_t) -> bool: """ Check if an address has an assigned label. Args: addr (addr_t): The address to check. Returns: bool: True if the address has a label, False otherwise. """ return addr in self.__labels_
[docs] class GraphDelegate: """ A delegate class for managing graph nodes and edges related to VM instructions and memory. Attributes: graph (graphviz.Digraph): The graph object for visualization. opcode_ids (Dict[int, str]): Mapping of opcodes to human-readable names. Args: graph (graphviz.Digraph): The graph object for visualization. opcode_ids (Dict[int, str]): Mapping of opcodes to human-readable names. """ graph: graphviz.Digraph
[docs] def __init__(self, graph, opcode_ids: dict) -> None: self.graph = graph self.opcode_ids = opcode_ids
[docs] def memory_node(self, mem_label: str, mem_addr: addr_t) -> None: """ Create a graph node for a memory location. Args: mem_label (str): The label for the memory node. mem_addr (addr_t): The memory address. """ mem_html_label = f'<td align="center" colspan="2"><font color="forestgreen">DAT_{mem_addr:#08x}</font></td>' self.graph.node( mem_label, f'<<table border="0" cellborder="0" cellpadding="3"><tr>{mem_html_label}</tr></table>>', {"shape": "record", "fontname": "Courier New"}, )
[docs] def leaf_insn_node(self, label: str, opcode: int) -> None: """ Create a graph node for a leaf instruction. Args: label (str): The label for the instruction node. opcode (int): The opcode of the instruction. """ opcode_html = self.opcode_ids.get(opcode, "unknown") if opcode_html == "unknown": opcode_html = f'<font color="red">{opcode_html}</font>' head_html = f"{opcode_html} ({opcode:#04x})" text = f'<td align="center" colspan="2" bgcolor="lightgrey">{head_html}</td>' self.graph.node( label, f'<<table border="0" cellborder="0" cellpadding="3"><tr>{text}</tr></table>>', {"shape": "Mrecord", "fontname": "Courier New"}, )
[docs] def insn_node( self, label: str, opcode: int, insn: Insn, loc_db: LocationDB ) -> None: """ Create a graph node for an instruction, including its memory accesses. Args: label (str): The label for the instruction node. opcode (int): The opcode of the instruction. insn (Insn): The instruction object. loc_db (LocationDB): The location database for memory and label management. """ html_text = [] for name in insn.insn_format.vars(): mem_addr = getattr(insn, name) create_node = not loc_db.has_label(mem_addr) mem_label = loc_db.get_label(mem_addr, is_mem=True) if create_node: self.memory_node(mem_label, mem_addr) loc_db.add_memory(mem_addr, 1) html_name = f'<font color="blue1">{name:<8}</font>' html_addr = f'<font color="black">#</font><font color="azure4">{mem_addr:#08x}</font>' self.graph.edge( label, mem_label, color="grey", group="mem", ) html_text.append(f'<td align="left">{html_name}{html_addr}</td>') head_html = f'{self.opcode_ids.get(opcode, "unknown")} ({opcode:#04x}) @{insn.opcode_address:#08x}' html_text.insert( 0, f'<td align="center" colspan="2" bgcolor="lightgrey">{head_html}</td>', ) text = "<tr>" + "</tr><tr>".join(html_text) + "</tr>" self.graph.node( label, f'<<table border="0" cellborder="0" cellpadding="3">{text}</table>>', {"shape": "Mrecord", "fontname": "Courier New"}, )
[docs] def instruction_handler(vm: VM, depth: int) -> None: """ Recursively handle and visualize instructions in the VM's memory, updating the location database and graph delegate with instruction details. Args: vm (VM): The virtual machine instance. depth (int): The current depth of recursion. """ loc_db: LocationDB = vm.state["loc_db"] if vm.context.pc in loc_db: # memory region or overlaps with another instruction return argv = vm.state["argv"] graph: GraphDelegate = vm.state["graph"] if depth >= argv.depth: return opcode = vm.current_opcode() if argv.path and opcode != argv.path[depth]: return vm.context += 2 label = loc_db.get_label(vm.context.pc - 2) format_ids = vm.state["format_ids"] if opcode not in format_ids: graph.leaf_insn_node(label, opcode) loc_db.add(vm.context.pc - 2, vm.context.pc) return insn = Insn(vm, format_ids[opcode]) graph.insn_node(label, opcode, insn, loc_db) loc_db.add_insn(insn) graph.graph.edge(label, loc_db.get_label(, color="green") graph.graph.edge(label, loc_db.get_label(, color="red") if not in loc_db: vm.context.pc = instruction_handler(vm, depth + 1) if not in loc_db: vm.context.pc = instruction_handler(vm, depth + 1)
[docs] def new_cfg( vm: VM, opcode_def: dict, loc_db=None, depth=None, path=None, layout=None ) -> graphviz.Digraph: """ Generates a control flow graph (CFG) for a VM's instructions. >>> vm = VM(...) >>> cfg = pairipcore.cfg.new_cfg(vm, opcode_def={...}, depth=5) >>> open("").write(str(cfg)) Args: vm (VM): The virtual machine instance. opcode_def (dict): Definitions of opcodes, including format IDs. loc_db (LocationDB, optional): Pre-existing location database. If None, a new one will be created. depth (int, optional): Maximum depth for recursion in CFG generation. path (list[int], optional): Specific opcode path to follow in the CFG. layout (str, optional): Graphviz layout direction (e.g., 'TB' for top-to-bottom). Returns: graphviz.Digraph: The generated control flow graph. """ if "opcodes" in opcode_def: opcode_def = opcode_def["opcodes"] opcode_ids = {} format_ids = {} for opcode, value in opcode_def.items(): opcode = int(opcode) if isinstance(value, dict) and "format_id" in value: format_id = value["format_id"] else: format_id = str(value) if format_id is not None: format_ids[opcode] = InsnFormat.parse(format_id) opcode_ids[opcode] = f"_{format_id}" argv = argparse.Namespace(depth=depth, path=path) if argv.path: argv.depth = len(argv.path) if argv.depth is None: argv.depth = 10 dot = graphviz.Digraph( "instruction-tree", comment="Instruction Trace", graph_attr={"rankdir": layout or "TB"}, node_attr={"shape": "Mrecord", "fontname": "Courier New"}, ) loc_db = LocationDB() vm.state["loc_db"] = loc_db vm.state["graph"] = GraphDelegate(dot, opcode_ids) vm.state["format_ids"] = format_ids vm.state["argv"] = argv instruction_handler(vm, 0) return dot