Source code for pairipcore.decompiler.code

import textwrap
import typing as t

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pairipcore.context import VM, VMVariable, addr_t
from pairipcore.insn import FormatIDs, Insn, InsnInfo, InsnFormat
from pairipcore.opcode import VMOpcode_Interpret

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# code
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[docs] class LazyCodeStatement: """ A base class representing a lazy code statement that will be converted to a string representation. """ comment: str | None = None
[docs] def c_str(self) -> str: """ Convert the lazy code statement to a C-style string representation. This method should be implemented by subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError("Subclasses must implement this method.")
def __str__(self) -> str: return self.c_str()
[docs] @dataclass class AssignmentExpr(LazyCodeStatement): """ A class representing an assignment expression in code. """ left: VMVariable | str | LazyCodeStatement right: VMVariable | str | LazyCodeStatement
[docs] def c_str(self) -> str: """ Convert the assignment expression to a C-style string representation. """ return f"{self.left} = {self.right}"
[docs] @dataclass class Line(LazyCodeStatement): """ A class representing a single line of code. """ text: str
[docs] def c_str(self) -> str: return self.text
[docs] class Block(LazyCodeStatement): """ A class representing a block of code, which consists of multiple statements. """ statements: list[LazyCodeStatement | str]
[docs] def __init__(self, *statements) -> None: self.statements = list(statements)
def __iadd__(self, statement: LazyCodeStatement | str) -> LazyCodeStatement: self.statements.append(statement) return self
[docs] def c_str(self) -> str: lines = "\n".join(map(str, self.statements)) return f"{{\n{textwrap.indent(lines, ' ')}\n}}"
[docs] @dataclass class Comment(Line): """ A class representing a comment in code. """ other: LazyCodeStatement | None = None def __radd__(self, other: LazyCodeStatement) -> LazyCodeStatement: self.other = other return self
[docs] def c_str(self) -> str: line = self.other.c_str() if self.other else "" if self.text: return f"{line:<60}// {self.text}" return line
[docs] @dataclass class CallExpr(LazyCodeStatement): """ A class representing a function or method call expression. """ obj: str | VMVariable | None func: str args: list[str | VMVariable] | None = None is_ptr: bool = False
[docs] def c_str(self) -> str: """ Return the function call expression in C-style syntax. """ args_str = ", ".join(map(str, self.args or [])) args_formatted = f"({args_str})" if self.obj: return f"{self.obj}{'->' if self.is_ptr else '.'}{self.func}{args_formatted}" return f"{self.func}{args_formatted}"
[docs] class Code: """ A class representing a collection of code statements and variable declarations. Args: vm (VM): The virtual machine containing variable information. """ __statements_: list[LazyCodeStatement]
[docs] def __init__(self, vm: VM) -> None: self.__statements_ = [] self.__variables_ = vm.mem.variables # private reference
def __iadd__(self, statement: LazyCodeStatement | str) -> "Code": if isinstance(statement, str): statement = Line(statement) self.__statements_.append(statement) return self
[docs] def lines(self): """ Generate lines of code including variable declarations and statements. Yields: str: The lines of code, including variable declarations and statements. """ if len(self.__variables_) > 0: for var in self.__variables_.values(): yield f"{var.type} {};" for stmt in self.__statements_: yield stmt.c_str()