Source code for pairipcore.decompiler.utils

from pairipcore import addr_t
from pairipcore.context import VM, VMVariable
from pairipcore.insn import Insn

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Jumping
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def VMJump(vm: VM, insn: Insn, verify=True) -> None: """ Set the program counter (PC) to the next instruction address based on the instruction's hash verification. Args: vm (VM): The virtual machine instance. insn (Insn): The instruction containing the jump information. verify (bool): Whether to perform hash verification before jumping. """ next_instruction_addr = if verify: if not vm.verify_hash( insn.address + insn.insn_format.hash_xor_value_off ): next_instruction_addr = vm.context.pc = next_instruction_addr
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Variables # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def VMDeref(vm: VM, addr: addr_t): """ Dereference a memory address to retrieve the stored value. Args: vm (VM): The virtual machine instance. addr (addr_t): The address to dereference. Returns: Any: The value stored at the given address. """ return vm.mem[vm.context.u64(addr)]
[docs] def VMNewGlobalVar(vm: VM, addr: addr_t, type: str, value=None) -> VMVariable: """ Create a new global variable and add it to the VM's memory. Args: vm (VM): The virtual machine instance. addr (addr_t): The address for the new global variable. type (str): The type of the variable. value (Optional[Any]): The initial value of the variable, if any. Returns: VMVariable: The newly created global variable. """ var = VMVariable(addr, type, value) vm.mem.variables[addr] = var = f"lVar{len(vm.mem.variables)}" return var
[docs] def VMGetGlobalVar(vm: VM, addr: addr_t) -> VMVariable: """ Retrieve an existing global variable by its address. Args: vm (VM): The virtual machine instance. addr (addr_t): The address of the global variable. Returns: VMVariable: The global variable at the given address. """ return vm.mem.variables[addr]
[docs] def VMGetOrCreateGlobalVar( vm: VM, addr: addr_t, type: str, value=None ) -> VMVariable: """ Get an existing global variable or create a new one if it doesn't exist. Args: vm (VM): The virtual machine instance. addr (addr_t): The address of the global variable. type (str): The type of the variable. value (Optional[Any]): The value to set for the variable if created. Returns: VMVariable: The global variable at the given address, either newly created or existing. """ if addr not in vm.mem.variables: var = VMNewGlobalVar(vm, addr, type, value) else: var = vm.mem.variables[addr] if value is not None: var.value = value return var