6. Module API#

PyModuleDef CpModule;#

Global module object for the Caterpillar C module.

inline _modulestate *get_module_state(PyObject *module)#

Returns the _modulestate for the given module.

inline _modulestate *get_global_module_state(void)#

Returns the _modulestate using the global caterpillar module object.

struct _modulestate#

The internal state for this module. It will store all necessary information about the core module.

Global options:

PyObject *cp_option__dynamic;#
PyObject *cp_option__sequential;#
PyObject *cp_option__keep_position;#
PyObject *cp_option__union;#
PyObject *cp_option__eval;#
PyObject *cp_option__discard_unnamed;#
PyObject *cp_option__discard_const;#
PyObject *cp_option__replace_types;#
PyObject *cp_option__slots;#

Global default options:

PyObject *cp_option__global_field_options;#
PyObject *cp_option__global_struct_options;#

Global arch and endian:

PyObject *cp_arch__host;#
PyObject *cp_endian__native;#
PyObject *cp_endian__big;#
PyObject *cp_endian__little;#

Typing constants:

PyObject *Any_Type;#
PyObject *List_Type;#
PyObject *Union_Type;#
PyObject *BytesIO_Type;#

String constants:

PyObject *str_path_delim = ".";#
PyObject *str_tell = "tell";#
PyObject *str_seek = "seek";#
PyObject *str_write = "write";#
PyObject *str_read = "read";#
PyObject *str_close = "close";#
PyObject *str_strict = "strict";#
PyObject *str___pack__ = "__pack__";#
PyObject *str___pack_many__ = "__pack_many__";#
PyObject *str___unpack__ = "__unpack__";#
PyObject *str___unpack_many__ = "__unpack_many__";#
PyObject *str___size__ = "__size__";#
PyObject *str___type__ = "__type__";#
PyObject *str___annotations__ = "__annotations__";#
PyObject *str___mro__ = "__mro__";#
PyObject *str___struct__ = "__struct__";#
PyObject *str___slots__ = "__slots__";#
PyObject *str___match_args__ = "__match_args__";#
PyObject *str___weakref__ = "__weakref__";#
PyObject *str___dict__ = "__dict__";#
PyObject *str___qualname__ = "__qualname__";#
PyObject *str_start = "start";#
PyObject *str_ctx__root = "<root>";#
PyObject *str_ctx__getattr = "__context_getattr__";#
PyObject *str_bytesio_getvalue = "getvalue";#
PyObject *str_builder_process = "process";#
PyObject *str_pattern_match = "match";#

Sets up the type object for the given module object. Expands to:

if (PyType_Ready(op) < 0)
    return NULL;