3.1. Arch & Endian Objects#

3.1.1. Arch Objects#

PyTypeObject CpArch_Type#

The type object for the CpArchObject class.

type CpArchObject#


int CpArch_CheckExact(PyObject *op)#

Checks if the given object is an CpArchObject.

int CpArch_Check(PyObject *op)#

Checks if the given object is instance of an CpArchObject.

3.1.2. Endian Objects#

PyTypeObject CpEndian_Type#

The type object for the CpEndianObject class.

type CpEndianObject#


int CpEndian_IsLittleEndian(CpEndianObject *endian, _modulestate *mod)#

Returns 1 if the current system is little-endian and 0 otherwise.

int CpEndian_CheckExact(PyObject *op)#

Checks if the given object is an CpEndianObject.

int CpEndian_Check(PyObject *op)#

Checks if the given object is instance of an CpEndianObject